Early puberty linked to obesity in case of girls

Girls-Puberty-EarlierA close analysis of 100 studies has shown that overweight girls attain puberty earlier than healthy ones.

This study led by Emily Walvoord, Indiana University School of Medicine lists out that early puberty is supposedly one of the many outcomes of obesity.

To add to the findings the researcher adds that childhood obesity is linked with a possible rise in hormone-disrupting chemicals that are present in the atmosphere.

Emily said, "It is very hard really to scientifically scrutinize the timing of puberty just by looking at these studies. Many unanswered questions exist, none more troubling than that of the psychological impact. The long-term effect on adolescents is still unclear."

Meanwhile girls who attain an early puberty experience more negative body image, depression and other mental disorders which in turn affect the overall mental and physical stature at a later state.