Sex during pregnancy doesn't harm the foetus

Sex during pregnancy doesn't harm the foetusMunich - Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is normally harmless to the health of the foetus right up to delivery, according to Germany's association of gynaecologists.

"Parents-to-be can do everything they enjoy in bed," said Christian Albring, president of the Munich-based association. The child is lying well-protected in the water of the amniotic sac. As long as the cervix is still tightly closed and no amniotic fluid leaks out, there is no need to reduce lovemaking.

Sexual activity shortly before the estimated due date can, however, have birth-inducing effects, said Albring. Couples therefore are cautioned if there is a tendency toward premature birth or miscarriage, if the mother has had early labour pains or if the placenta is lying directly over the cervix. Doctors advise against sexual intercourse in these cases.

Experts also say that genital hygiene is especially important during pregnancy. Before intercourse men should wash their penis with soap, pulling back the foreskin if they are uncircumcised. Women, however, shouldn't use soap or lotion in the vaginal area during pregnancy. Couples should also remember that condoms protect the mother and unborn child from infection. (dpa)