Yoga has positive effects on anxiety and depression

Yoga has positive effects on anxiety and depression Recently a new study declares that Yoga is superior to all other forms of exercises to remove anxiety and depression.

A team of researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) has conducted a study in which they compared the brain gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels of participants doing yoga and those who loves walking.

Anxiety and other mood disorders lead to lower levels of GABA.

In the study they have divided the participants in to two groups, one group practicing yoga three times a week for one hour and the other group spent time while walking for the same period of time.

During research it was found the group who follow yoga show significant reductions in their anxiety levels and greater improvements in mood as compared to the other group who preferred to walk.

Lead author Chris Streeter said that over the time practicing yoga will improve the GABA levels and in many cases following yoga can even improve various mental disorders to some extent.

The research is published online at Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.