Farmers create multibillion-dollar industry for breeding deer

Farmers create multibillion-dollar industry for breeding deerExperts have said that farmers in the country have created a multibillion-dollar industry mainly aimed at breeding deer within fenced hunting preserves to be shot by patrons, who are willing to pay thousands for the trophies.

A white-tailed buck could cost as much as $1 million, which is a product of more than three decades of selective breeding. A small group of farmers have taken advantage of the opportunity and created a new way to generate income.

Investigations have revealed that the industry costs taxpayers millions of dollars, it violates wildlife laws endangers wild deer and undermines the government's multibillion-dollar effort aimed at protecting the wildlife and food supply in the country. The farmers are bringing in huge amounts of deer and elk across state lines and this transfer also brings in diseases.

Experts have said that such captive facilities have spread diseases among the cattle as well. It helped spread chronic wasting disease, a deer disease similar to mad cow. The Chronic wasting disease now has been found in 22 states in the country and experts have said that the spread of CWC is linked to the growth of the industry.