Brad Pitt

NBR announces award winners; hopes Brangelina would attend

Brad Pitt and Angelina JolieWashington, Dec 5 : The National Board of Review has come out with a list of its 2008 award winners, and hopes that Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would be able to attend the event.

NBR director Annie Schulgof would like Brangelina to be present at the even on January 14, and for Pitt to introduce David Fincher for Best Director, of “Benjamin Button”, while Jolie would introduce Clint Eastwood as Best Actor, for “Gran Torino.

Brangelina celebrated Obama’s historic win in Chicago

Angelina Jolie, Brad PittWashington Dec 4 : Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were so keen to see Barack Obama’s historic win that they actually flew down to his Chicago, Illinois base to watch the votes roll in.

Though the couple never publicly endorsed the Democrat candidate but they made sure that they were present there and witness the historic win.

In an interview to US talk show host Larry King, Pitt revealed that both of them also attended the Illinois Senator''s victory rally in the city centre, but made sure they kept a low profile.

Brad Pitt takes public’s fascination with his family as a compliment

Brad PittWashington, Dec 4 : Brad Pitt has admitted that he takes public interest in his family as a compliment.

Pitt and his partner Angelina Jolie have six kids: adopted Maddox, seven, from Cambodia, Pax, four, from Vietnam, and Zahara, three, from Ethiopia.

They''''re also parents to biological offspring Shiloh, two, and baby twins Knox and Vivienne.

And Pitt is sure that his family gets so much attention because it’s different to the norm.

Brad Pitt speaks of his shock over Mumbai terror attacks

'Burn After Reading' Picks Up the Box OfficeWashington, Dec 5 : Brad Pitt has expressed shock over the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

The actor, who once along with his partner Angelina Jolie stayed in Taj Mahal Palace and Tower hotel, has admitted that watching the horrific events on TV was very moving for the couple.

Around 200 people have been killed and hundreds were injured in a series of attacks that began last November 26, as militants targeted the palatial Taj hotels and other tourist spots across the city of Mumbai, reports Contactmusic.

Brad Pitt defends family photo deals

Brad Pitt Washington, Dec 4 : Hollywood hunk Brad Pitt has defended his and partner Angelina Jolie''s decision to sell pictures of their family to magazines, insisting that the money from the deals went for good causes.

In 2006 Pitt and Jolie struck a multi-million dollar with picture agency Getty, for releasing the first shots of their first biological child, Shiloh, now two, in return for a donation to charity.

Brad Pitt reveals George Clooney’s ‘Chippendales infatuation’!

Brad Pitt Washington, Dec 4 : Hollywood actor Brad Pitt has mocked George Clooney’s sexuality in a bid to make him do an Ellen DeGeneres show appearance.

The ‘Tree Of Life’ actor, who made his debut appearance on Ellen DeGeneres show via satellite from New Orleans, advised Ellen to woo George with naked men.

Ellen had joked that she once sent over Kate Hudson and Victoria’s Secret models to Clooney’s production office, which is next door to her studio to make him appear on her show, but in vain.

However, Pitt insisted Ellen to send men instead.
