
Animal lovers promote vegetarianism in MP

Bhopal, June 5 : Animal lovers in Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal wore bio-hazard suits in a novel protest to create awareness about the ill effects of consuming meat.

Ritual for environment purification in Bhopal

Bhopal, June 3: Hundreds of people gathered here to perform the 'Agnihotra' or 'Homa Therapy' which seeks to purify the contaminated environment.

Skeletons drop out of Bhopal hospital cupboard

Bhopal, May 27: The medico legal wing of the Gandhi Medical College and Hospital in Bhopal has earned dubious fame for the thousands of human skulls and skeletons in its custody.

Bhopal Gas victims demand separate commission to address their plight

Prime Minister Manmohan SinghNew Delhi, May 21 : After failing to meet

Astrological garden of Bhopal

Bhopal, April 24 : A unique garden comprising various plants related to different zodiac signs and planets as per Hindu belief has been raised here.

Largest cases of Scheduled Caste atrocities in Madhya Pradesh

Bhopal, Apr 21 : Subbulakshmi Jagadeesa - MP Social Justice and Empowerment
