Salma's sexy but modest

Salma HayekShe's in her forties and loving mommy to her little baby girl. Then too, many people around the world still think she's mighty sexy.

But Mexican hottie Salma Hayek doesn't think so. She has revealed she doesn't like her curvaceous body and is always surprised when people think she is sexy.

The actress widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, doesn't like her assets and says people only think she's got a great figure because she dresses well.

She's said, "I won a 'Best Body Award' from Fitness Magazine and I was too embarrassed to accept it. I actually don't have a good body, but if everybody thinks so, I guess it means I'm a good actress. I have acted the part of the girl who has a very good body. If you know how to dress, there are some tricks you can pull."

Well, beauty and modesty is a lethal combination. What say?

-Sampurn Media