Spinning Basketball thrown off dam creates Magnus Effect

This YouTube video is going viral online. The video is about a team of record-chasers throwing a basket ball from a 127-meter-tall dam in Tasmania last month. When the team gave the ball a backspin, it propelled forward in a massive arc.

Last month in Tasmania, a group of record-chasers created the world’s highest basketball shot. They threw the ball from a 127-meter-tall dam. Firstly, they threw the ball in a straight direction. But when they gave it a spin then it propelled forward in a massive arc, owing to which it fell dozens of meters beyond the basket at the bottom.

It happened because of the Magnus effect, which happens on balls and cylinders when the thrower adds a bit of spin. The Magnus effect also plays an important role in tennis, soccer, and golf. The effect is considered as the most sustainable way to power ships and other means of transportation.

The record-chasers’ team stated that when the ball is given a little spin then defies gravity, at least momentarily. The Magnus effect is also known as the Magnus force and was named after its discoverer Gustav Magnus.

It is considered to be a lift force, which is very crucial for all sportsperson desiring to bend the flight of a ball. “As the basketball picks up speed, air on the front side of the ball is going the same direction as its spin, and therefore it gets dragged along with the ball and deflected back”, said experts.