Beckford questions Lindsay Lohan’s modeling dreams

According to male runaway star Tyson Beckford, Lindsay Lohan lacks the focus to be a model. After having done a lot of assignments for top publications, including the nude shoot for New York magazine, the actress is on the look out for more work in the world of modeling but Beckford believes that she will never make it as a catwalk queen. He tells Usmagazine. com, "She has the partying part down right. But I don't think she’s got the focus. I mean, it requires a lot of focus and a lot of people think they can do it, but they really find that it's a lot harder.

"Ask anyone - it's a lot harder than it looks. I guess that's why they call us supermodels - we make it look easy. But it’s not as easy as it looks, so I wish her all the best." - Sampurn Media
