Rooney invites American Idol contestant with cystic fibrosis to match against Real Madrid

Kayden-Stephenson-wayne-rooneyLondon, Feb 18 : Manchester United star Wayne Rooney has reportedly gifted a VIP trip to an American Idol contestant suffering from cystic fibrosis, to watch his team play against Real Madrid in a Champions League match at Old Trafford on March 5.

Rooney, who lost childhood friend Stephen Johnson to the same condition, offered an all-expenses paid VIP trip to teenaged Kayden Stephenson and his family whom he contacted directly after watching his show, the Sun reports.

The United striker thanked Stephenson in a tweet- `Your story inspires me, reminds me of a friend I know. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story.

No matter what happens on Idol, music inspires people and you inspire people. Keep doing it, you will help a lot of people', the paper added.

The thrilled American Idol contestant tweeted back- `OMG! Dude. I cant believe you tweeted me. I'm glad I inspired you. I'm a soccer player and you inspire me.' He further tweeted- `I just freaking talked to Rooney.

Wow. He had a friend who had cystic fibrosis. That's why he reached out to me.' (ANI)