Scots Are More Prone To Die From Heart Disease – Study

ScotsYes, the English people living in Scotland are much less prone to die from heart disease than those born here. According to a new study by a group of researchers from the University of Edinburgh, the people born in other parts of the UK, who move to Scotland, are 20% less likely to die from heart problems.

However, the study could not pinpoint the precise reason for the difference, but scientists suspect that it is because many who move are well-off professionals.

According to Dr Colin Fischbacher, the lead author of the study, this would make them less likely to develop bad habits associated with heart disease.

Working as a consultant in public health medicine for NHS National Services Scotland, Dr Fischbacher said, "Scots seem to have worse rates of heart disease than even our bad lifestyles would explain. Whatever the reason, the English moving to Scotland seem to escape it."

Published in the Scottish Medical Journal, the Study’s findings revealed that English men living in Scotland had a 22% lower death rate from heart disease than Scottish-born men. According to the finding, the rate was 20% lower for English women in Scotland.

The study also found Scots of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese origin were as likely to suffer heart disease as the general Scottish population.
