Anne Hathaway’s red carpet dress inspires nipple twitter

Anne-HathawayWashington, Feb 25 : Anne Hathaway, who had a wardrobe malfunction during her movie `Les Miserables' premiere, caused immediate comment online for her sideboob-baring Prada gown, which she wore at the Academy Awards.

The frock, which the 30-year-old actress told Ryan Seacrest she chose three hours before the big show as it spoke to her, immediately inspired a Twitter account: HathawayNipple, Us magazine reported.

"Anyone else feeling chilly?" read the first tweet.

"Anne's dress `spoke to her. We spoke to the world" read the second tweet.

"#LesNipplerables," read another tweet.

The "HathawayNipple" account had garnered about 550 Twitter followers by 8pm EST. (ANI)