Be aware of the contagious effect of divorce

Be aware of the contagious effect of divorceMan is a social being. Environmental and social disorders have adverse impacts on human life. Nature, society and human life are all correlated in every sense.

Apart from many health diseases there are some social diseases which have made life impossible to live. Divorce is one of these social diseases which can destroy life.

Divorce normally occurs between the couple due to misunderstanding, disagreement and intolerance for each other. This has been quite a common issue in families of present time causing separation between the couples and breaking conjugal relationships.

Like many deadly diseases it also spreads from family to family through a psychological link.

Normally, when one came to know in his friend circle about separation due to divorce, it leaves adverse psychological impact on his mind prompting his self desire to go for divorce due to similar or other personal reasons.

Research held over more than 12000 Americans established the finding that known divorce cases affect personal conjugal life overcoming the social fear of separation. This linking effect of Divorce is named as "divorce clustering" which spreads like a contagious disease throughout the society.