Britain To Spend 45 Billion Pounds On Obesity By 2050

Obese WomenLondon: Obesity is believed to cost Britain 45 billion pounds by 2050.  It has been studied that only 10 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women have the right weight in proportion to their height.

According to an official study, more than half of adults and quarter of children will be dangerously overweight by 2050.

Chief scientific adviser Sir David King of the Daily Telegraph quoted Government, “The problem has reached such proportions that it will take 30 years to reverse.”

250 experts researched into the future trends in obesity and produced a report, which anticipated that 60 % of men and 50 % of women aged 20 to 60 to be obese as against the current rate of 24 %.  

The report also advised taxes on fattening foods and stronger regulation on unhealthy food to overcome the problem.

Dr. Susan Jebb, head of nutrition and health research at the Medical Research Council, said, “We need to take responsibility as a society for our unhealthy lifestyle.”
