Insurance Sector

What is Term Insurance Claim Settlement Ratio and Why is it Important?

What is Term Insurance Claim Settlement Ratio and Why is it Important?

One of the most important factors people should consider before purchasing a policy is the insurer’s claim settlement ratio (CSR).

Revealing The Most Profitable Insurance To Sell in 2021

Revealing The Most Profitable Insurance To Sell in 2021

According to LIMRA's most recent Insurance Barometer Study, 54% of all people in the United States

What Impact Has COVID-19 Had On The Commercial Insurance Industry?

What Impact Has COVID-19 Had On The Commercial Insurance Industry?

Recently PWC did a survey on how COVID-19 has affected insurance buyer patte

Is There a Need to Buy Cancer Insurance Plan?

Is There a Need to Buy Cancer Insurance Plan?

Protecting your health has never been a more urgent requirement before.

5 Things to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance

5 Things to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance

Buying your favorite product online is such a fun thing to do! But when it comes to purchasing health insurance, we tend to keep it away as it is essential and an overwhelming task for most of us.

How to Choose a Car Insurance with the Best Coverage

How to Choose a Car Insurance with the Best Coverage

Car insurance has become an essential aspect, especially when purchasing a new car. This is because it is vital to keep the vehicle protected against certain damages.
