Chavez: Colombian bases will be used to "plot against Venezuela"

Chavez: Colombian bases will be used to "plot against Venezuela" Caracas  - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claimed Wednesday that Colombian bases officially to be used by the US military in fighting drug trafficking and terrorism will instead be used to "plot" against Venezuela.

Chavez criticized Colombia's refusal to share details with its South American neighbours of the deal with the United States to allow the US military use of seven bases on Colombian soil. He called it "shameful."

"We do have one guarantee here, and that is that they are indeed going to use those military bases, in the first place, to carry out intelligence and counterintelligence and to plot against Venezuela," Chavez said. "I do not have the slightest doubt."

The deal was announced this summer, though the agreement has yet to be signed by Washington and Bogota.

The US-Colombian plan has drawn sharp criticism from Latin American leaders who worry that the US presence could threaten the sovereignty of neighbouring countries and promote meddling in internal affairs.

"For the first time governments are meeting and demanding that Colombia explain what the agreement is. Brazil (is) one of them, very firmly demanding guarantees that Yankee military forces will not intervene in other countries," Chavez said.

Venezuela recently announced plans for a civilian nuclear programme and intends to buy 2.2-billion-dollars in tanks and missiles from Russia. Chavez - who visited Moscow last week - said the new arms were intended only for defensive purposes. (dpa)