Chubbier men and women are most wanted

Chubbier men and womenRecent study revealed that most men prefer curvier women over size zero women as their bed partners. Same is the case with women, most women prefer bigger men in bed as compared to thin men.

Survey by the UK bed manufacturer Silentnight showed that 89 percent of men believe that chubby partner in bed is much better than thin partner. Around 68 percent women said that chunky men are much better bed-partners than skinny males.

Findings of the survey were based on the data collected from 1,019 men and women on Silentnight. co. uk. Survey also revealed that there are more reasons than physical relationship for preference of chubbier partners.

Around 56 percent of the people involved in the survey said that curvier partners are more considerate about each others likes and dislikes.

24 percent said that curvier men and women are more "giving". 12 percent believe that heavier bed partners "try harder". 8 percent affirmed that the chubby men and women simply have "more to love" as compared to thinner partners.

Iftikhar Mirza, Sleep Scientist at Silentnight, said, “Curvy men and women all over should be feeling pretty happy right now. Our survey shows they rate highly in the passion stakes, and the science shows they're better behaved in bed too – the perfect partner!”