Clintons doing bare minimum for Obama after Hillary not promised judgeship

Bill ClintonNew York, Oct 2 : Former US president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary lately are showing less interest in Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s election campaign, after he refused to guarantee Hillary a US Supreme Court judgeship is he wion the election and occupied the White House.

After Obama rejected her as his running mate for the Vice-President post, Hillary made it clear to Obama’s camp that she wanted to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

“Hillary wants an assurance that if she shows loyalty and goes out there like a good soldier, she will be rewarded with a nomination for the Supreme Court should a seat become available,” the New York Post quoted one insider as saying.

“The problem is, we''re told, Obama ‘balked’ at promising Hillary the judgeship, perhaps because he still resents how the Clintons attacked him during the primaries. While the Clintons have been campaigning for Obama, their support is tepid at best, his supporters complain,” said the paper.

Since the nomination, Bill has repeatedly called Obama''s Republican rival, Sen. John McCain, a “good man and friend”, and also told reporters that he understood why McCain''s vice-presidential pick Sarah Palin was “hot out there”. (ANI)
