Diet soda: Healthy or unhealthy to teeth!

Diet soda: Healthy or unhealthy to teeth!Dental care is something we should all be concerned with and must look at our foods and drinks to find out how to react. Though some say diet soda is healthy for you, it causes dental issues as it causes erosion of tooth enamel and increased risk of cavities.

Acids are branded for eroding items and sodas contain phosphoric acid and or citric acid. Just as nails get eroded when kept with soda by its acidity, the same happen with your teeth. When teeth come in contact with acids in soda your enamel, the protecting barrier, is eroded away.

Some brush their teeth once a day, some twice and some others after every meal but many of us don't think about dangers also involved in drinks and do not brush every time after having beverages.

The sugars in soda stick to the teeth and cause bacteria to grow there and cause cavities. Diet soda doesn't contain sugar but it doesn’t make it safer as the facts do not change. Artificial sweeteners attract the same process.

Soda, being an amalgamation of acids and sweeteners, is a death trap for the teeth. One soda here and there won’t ruin your teeth but frequent soda drinks leads to a mouth full of cavities to boot.