Draining out with exercise might create problem in getting pregnant

Draining out with exercise might create problem in getting pregnantThe popular saying, extreme of everything is bad, is applicable in case of physical workout also. It is a known fact that physical workout is necessary to keep body fit, but exercising daily to the point of exhaustion can also create problems.

Recent study has shown that extreme workout can create problem in starting a family. Excess of physical exercise drains the energy, from a woman’s body energy, needed for a successful pregnancy. Extreme exercising can also amplify the risk of fertility problems by three-fold.

Research team from Norwegian University of Science and Technology reached at the findings after analyzing data collected from 3,000 women. These women were asked about the frequency, duration and intensity of their fitness regimes between 1984 and 1986. After ten years they were questioned about their pregnancies.

Data analysis revealed that women who trained everyday to the level of exhaustion had three time higher risk of fertility problems as compared to women who exercised in moderate amounts however these fertility problems were not permanent.

Sigridur Lara Gudmundsdottir, who led the study, said, "And those who trained the hardest in the middle of the 1980s were actually among those who had the most children in the 1990s."