Following Westernized Diet could Result in Comeback of Prostate Cancer in Survivors

Typical American diet comprises red meat, cheese and white bread. Now, a new research has reported that if prostate cancer survivors have this typical American diet, they are at increased risk of witnessing the comeback of their cancer. Also, they are at increased of dying earlier than patients who follow a healthier diet.

A number of studies have shown that a lot of adjustments have to be made to reduce the cancer risk. Also, it has been unveiled in studies that following Mediterranean-style diets having lots of fresh vegetables and fruit and olive oil rather than having saturated fat, whole grains and more fish than meat can reduce the risk of the same diseases.

Study’s lead researcher Dr. Jorge Chavarro of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School said, “Our results suggest that the same dietary recommendations that are made to the general population primarily for the prevention of cardiovascular disease may also decrease the risk of dying from prostate cancer among men initially diagnosed with nonmetastatic disease”.

For the study, the researchers have studied 926 men whose prostate cancer has not spread. Men answered questions related to their diets around five years after being diagnosed and they were observed for around 10 years.

The researchers found that men diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer and their diet was more likely ‘Westernized’, were having more chances to die of prostate cancer.