French premier visits Denmark

Copenhagen  -French premier visits Denmark The prime ministers of Denmark and France met in Denmark on Friday and discussed the upcoming French presidency of the European Union that begins in July.

Visiting French premier Francois Fillon said he hoped for the swift ratification of the Lisbon Treaty that would aid decision- making in the 27-nation bloc.

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said both countries favoured a common policy on immigration in the EU, citing the need to tackle illegal immigration and enable integration, Danish news agency Ritzau reported.

Fillon praised Rasmussen's skills in French as the Danish premier answered questions in the language and also interpreted questions from Danish reporters for Fillon.

However, Fillon ducked questions on whether he backed Rasmussen as future full-time president of the European Council, saying he did not want to precede events.

The Danish premier has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the post that is envisaged under the EU reform treaty.

Morten Messerschmidt, EU affairs spokesman for the Danish People's Party that provides backing for Rasmussen's minority government, later told Ritzau that the premier's remarks about a joint European migration policy suggested that he "no longer defends the stricter immigration policy" the party has pushed for in Denmark. (dpa)
