Google Mobile faces turmoil in China

Google-MobileIt comes as an obvious piece of news (in regard to relation of Google-China), but it has finally happened. And this time it's Google's phone services.

The decision of directing the Google. cn domain to that of the Google Hong Kong home page caused a rattle in major services of Google. It appears that several of Google's services in China were affected.

The Google Mobile services, which suffered the maximum grunt, have been temporarily blocked. This was confirmed by an update posted on Google's China services status page. This page also enlisted the various statuses of several Google services within the country.

Hinting no clues whatsoever of the blockage removal time, a spokesman from Google states that it is a delicate step taken and it would be sometime before the things can be turned towards normalcy.

The patrons of the service are the ones who are at a loss. With the services getting blocked, users faced problems in communication, which came to a near halt after the episode.

The users have also reported that Google's Mobile services have harmed the mobile searches, maps and e-mail.