HDB released a record 27,000 BTO flats this year

HDB released a record 27,000 BTO flats this yearThe Housing Board (HDB) has confirmed that it has released a total of 27,000 Build-To-Order (BTO) flats in the country this year.

The record high number of flats in the country will not be able to prevent the prices from rising. It is believed that the HDB resale-flat prices would rise as the prices are usually pegged to prevailing resale prices but are sold at a discount in the country.

Experts say that the BTO flats and resale flats cater to demand from different set of customers. Experts said that the first-time buyers are not major buyers of resale flats and generally opt for BTO flats to generate savings.

Some said that the buyers of resale flats are usually private- property buyers, singles or those persons who do not qualify for BTO flats. According to current regulations, singles can purchase only resale HDB flats and they are required to be above the age of 35 years.

HDB launched seven BTO projects yesterday with a total of 6,463 new flats, which is the largest number of flats in a single month ever. The projects found in three mature estates of Bedok, Queenstown and Toa Payoh of and two non-mature estates: Choa Chu Kang and Sengkang.