High fat diet can make us lazy and dull

High fat diet can make us lazy and dullIt is a known fact that high-fat diet increases the risk of various diseases. Recent study focused on the effect of high-fat diet on physical and cognitive abilities within span of a few days.

Oxford University researchers used animal models for the research. It was found that just within nine days of change from normal diet to high fat diet, there was reduction in physical endurance and cognitive ability of the mice.

In the beginning of the study, all 42 rats were fed a standard feed with a low fat content of 7.5 percent. Their physical endurance was measured with the amount of time they could spend on the treadmill. Their working memory was measured in a maze task.

Half of the study subjects were then given high-fat diet in which 55 percent of the calories came from fat. After four days physical and cognitive abilities of mice were again tested. It was found that mice on high-fat diet were running 30 percent less as compared to the other mice on standard diet. On the ninth day the mice fed high-fat diet were running 50 percent less.

Research team led by Dr Andrew Murray also found that mice in high-fat food category made mistakes sooner in maze task showing effect of high-fat diet on cognitive abilities.