Incinerators are not dangerous to public health

Incinerators are not dangerous to public healthRecent study has shown that modern waste incinerators are not dangerous for the health of the people living near it. The recent report by the Britain's Health Protection Agency has given support to the efforts of government to establish incinerators to produce energy from waste.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) report said: “While it is not possible to rule out adverse health effects from modern, well regulated municipal waste incinerators with complete certainty, any potential damage to the health of those living close-by is likely to be very small, if detectable.”

Studies have shown that tiny PM2.5 particles can increase the risk of heart disease and lung cancer. People against establishment of incinerators in their vicinity have cited these reports as reason behind their protest.

The new report of HPA is supposed to have effect on the decision of Oxfordshire county councillors whether to build the new incinerator at Sutton Courtenay, near Abingdon, or Ardley, near Bicester or not.

Protesters questioned the reliability of the report as there is not much information available on the about the effects of tiny PM2.5 particles. They claim that there is no reason in putting harmful PM2.5 in air even in small amounts.