Iranian Speaker warns IAEA about limits on future cooperation

Iranian Speaker warns IAEA about limits on future cooperationNicosia, May 31 : The new Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, who used to be Iran’s top nuclear negotiator between 2005 and 2007, has warned the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Tehran could impose limits on future cooperation with the Agency.

Larijani on Wednesday described parts of the IAEA’s latest report on Tehran's nuclear programme, which said that Iran’s alleged weapons development studies remained a matter of serious concern, as "deceitful" and "ambiguous".

He also accused the U. N. nuclear monitor of secretly sharing information about the Iranian nuclear file with Iran’s critics in the U. N. Security Council.

In an unusually strongly worded report IAEA said on Monday that “Iran could be withholding information needed to establish whether it tried to make nuclear arms”.

The report also noted that Iran was operating 3,500 centrifuges, the machines used to enrich uranium, at its plant at Natanz.

In April, the IAEA said it had reached an agreement with Iranian officials to clarify the main outstanding question about Iran's past nuclear work by the end of May.

The Iranian Government insists that it is only working to produce fuel for reactors that will generate electricity. (ANI)
