More than 6500 Fresh Recruits Dismissed by Mayawati

UP Chief Minister Mayawati
6504 fresh recruits have been dismissed by the Mayawati Government in Uttar Pradesh. The government also ordered suspension of 12 senior IPS officers. Among the suspended officers were 9 DIGs and one Inspector General of Police. The senior officials have been suspended for irregularities detected in recruitment of Provincial Armed Constabulary and Civil Police constables in the state.

All the officers suspended by current orders were in the recruitment boards during the Mulayam Singh Government.

As per government statement, disciplinary action will be taken against other members of the recruitment boards. The list includes 18 Additional Superintendents of Police and 40 DSPs.

Vikram Singh, Director-General of Police, has been ordered to lodge FIRs against all senior officials. Many of the recruits have been found with alleged criminal background. Anti-Corruption Organisation of UP Police will investigate the case further.

The action has been taken after the report of an inquiry committee stated lot of irregularities in the appointments made by 14 recruitment boards.

Services of 6,504 fresh recruits have been dismissed. They were undergoing training. The recruitment was done during September 2006 by then Chief Minister Mulayam Singh.

The IPS officers who have been suspended are Chhavinath Singh, I-G; R.N. Yadav, S.K. Mathur, B.P. Jogdand, S.P. Singh, B.M. Tripathi, B.B. Bakshi, Akhilesh Mehrotra, Mukul Goel and Daljit Singh Chaudhary (all DIGs); and S.K. Gupta and A. Satyanarain (SPs).

Mr. J.N. Chamber, State Principal Secretary (Home) informed that there were many recruits with fake high school and caste certificates. Fake certificates were also used in cases of dependants of freedom fighters. Complete inquiry will be done and strict action will be taken against those found guilty.

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