Nutritious food only way to keep good bacteria in gut healthy

Nutritious food only way to keep good bacteria in gut healthySeveral studies have proved various health benefits of healthy good bacteria in gut. Due to this there has been a surge in demand of prebiotic and probiotic additives and products.

But recent study revealed that intake of such supplements could be ineffective. The only way to keep good bacteria in gut healthy is to eat healthy food.

This study was conducted by Gail Cresci, Medical College of Georgia dietitian and assistant professor of surgery, Medical College of Georgia (MCG). This study indicates that taking supplements might harm people instead of helping them.

Ms. Cresci says: “If you do good by your bacteria, they will do good for you.”

Poor diets and overuse of antibiotics are having adverse effect on the good bacteria. Most antibiotics kill good bacteria along with bad ones. Hence people should take balanced diet to stay healthy. Daily diet should contain dairy products along with fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Ms Cresci affirms that that a good, balanced daily diet derives 30 percent or less of calories from fat. No more than 10 percent are derived from saturated fats. The majority come from monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils.