Onondaga County Residents receive warning on Lyme disease

The Onondaga County Health Department has said that they have already seen cases of Lyme disease this year, due to which they have been reminding the residents to take precautions before heading outside.

Onondaga Health Department Medical Director Dr. Quoc Nyuien said, "Avoid the tick is the first thing you want to do. So look at the habitat for the ticks and do not venture into it".

The experts said if you or your child has been outdoors, then the best thing you could do is a tick check, by thoroughly examining the entire body.

Nyuien said if you find a tick on you, remove it quickly. She also mentioned that in case it was on you and you were not sure for how long, or you have several ticks on you, then you should call your provider. Nyuien added that the ticks are as big as a sesame seed, due to which at times they are hard to see.

The symptoms of Lyme disease include a bullseye-like rash around the bite, headache, fever or muscle and joint aches.

According to the experts, the transmission of the disease is seen in the late spring and early summer as at that time nymph ticks are active and feeding.

If Lyme disease is caught early, than its treatment is possible otherwise it can progress to the joints, nervous system or heart.

Last year, Onondaga County reported 35 confirmed cases of Lyme disease. But, as per the health officials, the real number was closer to double than that, as some people get misdiagnosed or fail to seek medical treatment.

You should wear long pants and sleeves while outdoors to protect yourself from tick bites, which transfer the diseases. Checking exposed body parts after outdoor activities is helpful to quickly identify possible exposure to ticks. You can apply bug repellent and can wear light-colored clothing.