Pop music videos may be held responsible for making teens get into drinking

Pop music videos may be held responsible for making teens get into drinkingThe latest allegation faced by the music industry is that it is not only showing gender inequality but also converting young teens into alcoholics.

These findings are based on a study done by the University of Pittsburgh and Norris Cotton Cancer Center. The results of the study show that teens drinking heavily is due to liking, owing and then precisely pointing out songs which name alcoholic drinks by their brands.

The research suggests that a regular teenager in the west and developed countries listens to about 2.5 hours of pop music everyday. Out of this almost one quarter of the lyrics refer to drinks of alcoholic nature from some particular brand.

This implies that every hour your teenager gets to hear 14 references to various alcoholic brands per hour of pop music and get to know of eight different brands everyday promoting them to go ahead and try them all.

Lead author Brian A. Primack, M. D., Ph. D stated that every year, the average teenager is exposed to about 3,000 references to alcohol brands while listening to music.

He added that it is essential that experts and parents understand the effect that these pop songs have on these young minds which can easily be swayed into trying and slowly getting addicted to booze.