Rain water could be straightway used as drinking water

Rain water could be straightway used as drinking waterRecent study has shown that rain water can be safely used as a drinking water. Till now there was confusion if rain water could be used for human consumption. It was believed that rain-water was susceptible to contamination with micro-organisms and chemicals. Study showed that rain water, the cleanest source of drinking water, was fit for human consumption.  

Researchers from Monash University analyzed the data collected from 300 households based in Adelaide. Study subjects were given a filter to treat their rainwater and remove bugs from it. However, only half of the filters were real but families were unaware of this fact.

Families, involved in the study, were asked to record their health over a period of one year. Then, the data collected from the families using real and fake filters was compared. It was found that the rate of gastroenteritis (a common infection of stomach) cases was similar in the two groups.  

Lead researcher, Professor Karin Leder said, “This study confirms there is a low risk of illness … Expanded use of rainwater for many household purposes can be considered and in current times of drought, we want to encourage people to use rainwater as a resource.”