Rapid Weight Gain Witnessed in Children and Teens on Antipsychotic Drugs

Rapid Weight Gain Witnessed in Children and Teens on Antipsychotic DrugsA recent study, which took into consideration four of the most commonly prescribed antipsychotic medicines into consideration, has revealed that first time users of these drugs, who are children or in their teens, experience rapid weight gain, thereby exposing them to health related risks like diabetes and heart diseases.

272 kids and young adults on the drugs being studied, aged between 4 to 19 years and diagnosed with conditions such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, were studied for sometime. Nearly 11 weeks into the study, between 10-30% of the subjects gained substantial weight to become overweight or obese.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Zucker Hillside Hospital and the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, was led by Dr. Christoph Correll. "The weight gain is dramatic, rapid and pervasive", he shared in a telephonic interview.

The findings are being viewed as both shocking and valuable. These have managed to uncover some important facts, which, till now, had remained vague. Pediatricians and child psychologists are of the view that, in light of recent findings, such medicines should be considered the last resort. The study is, however, quick to point out that not all drugs are the same.