Scientists Find 1,300-Year-Old Mummies In Peru

The scientists has found 1300 year old mummy from a pre-Columbian pyramid known as Scientists Find 1,300-Year-Old Mummies In PeruHuaca Pucllana. It is found from the Isabel Flores by the team of archaeologists after the evacuation of 27 years.

It belongs to the residential area, which had been a city, previously located in the Miraflores district of Lima.. The archaeologist termed it as a great success which is achieved with the efforts of archaeologists and workers. They performed the work with complete respect to the ancient culture and values.

The mummy has very firm eyes and they seem very strong. It seems to be the body of women as it is surrounded by textile items. The tomb contains three embalmed adult bodies and remains of child.

These seem to be offerings of sacrifice to please God. The other tombs were in very bad condition and expected to be looted by dacoits in the earlier years. The archaeologists also found ceramics and the remains of children beside the mummy. These may be the part of rituals in which some thins are placed besides the bodey for heavenly reasons.
