Sunlight keeps diseases at distance

Sunlight-Diseases-DistanceSunlight has always been stated as boon for many ailments.

It is now been claimed that Sunlight offers helpful in case against cold, respiratory problems, and influenza virus as the source is considered to be rich source of the micronutrient Vitamin D.

It was further stated that Vitamin D level with 38, nanogram per millimeter are 50% less susceptible to allergy is considered to be the essential requirement. This was confirmed via a test done on 198 adults. It was listed that out of the total of 198 people, 18 people were having high levels of vitamin and also are less prone to allergy.

Also, the remaining group of people claimed of low levels of Vitamin D and thus showed susceptibility to cold, allergy and influenza.

Therefore in order to remain fit one needs to bask in the sun daily.