Too Much Insulin Is Bad For Your Heart, Say Researchers

A new study has disclosed that making use of to handle diabetes could be injurious if the patient is suffering from chronic high blood pressure.

Insulin is a hormone, which manages the glucose levels, a key source of energy, in the human blood through its effects on the liver, muscle, and adipose cells.

How insulin affects the heart is not clear, animal researches hint that insulin defends the heart from strain, while clinical researches suggest a connection between high insulin levels in the blood and coronary failure.

The group, chaired by Issei Komuro from Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan has created data in mice suggesting that while persistent high blood pressure level induces liver cell resistance to insulin, it augments insulin signaling in the heart.

This unnecessary chronic insulin signalling aggravated coronary failure caused by high blood pressure. Importantly, although treating type I diabetic mice with insulin stabilized their glucose intensities in the blood, it increased coronary failure, says a China University release.

Together, these data points led the authors to propose that insulin cure could be dangerous in the setting of chronic high BP level and that maintaining insulin signalling at normal levels is vital for treating coronary failure.

The results of the study were published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.(With Inputs from Agencies)