Vitamin D is a must during pregnancy

Vitamin D is a must during pregnancyMotherhood is every woman's natural right. It is the most adorable dream that lives with the woman from her matured stage. Medical science has developed a lot in the field of child birth and mother care. But still, the problems persist in relation to pregnancy and child birth.

The environment is getting more and more polluted constantly losing its life supporting values. The nutritional level is deteriorating more and more causing deadly effects on human health and pregnancy.

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has become a common problem in pregnant women which can lead to life threatening risks for the newborns. This deficiency can also cause physical disabilities to the newborn babies.

Sun and regular diet are two natural resources of creating Vitamin D in our body. Men are less probable to suffer from the deficiency of Vitamin D than women.

Imbalance diet has reduced the nutritional level specially in case of pregnant women causing many deficiencies which ultimately creates lots of complications for child birth.

The only safe way out to this danger is regular intake of Vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding.