What leads to formation of food toxin discovered

What leads to formation of food toxin discoveredMold on grains produce a toxin, high intake of which can lead to liver cancer. Recently researchers at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) found what led to formation of toxin. Research team believes that recent study can help in finding ways to prevent formation of this toxin.

According to statistics, nearly 4.5 billion people in developing countries exposed to vast amounts of this toxin known as aflatoxin, much higher than the safe levels. In some nations like China, Vietnam and South Africa, aflatoxin along with hepatitis B virus exposure increases the chances of liver cancer occurrence by 60 times.

Aflatoxin attacks a cancer-preventing gene in humans called p53, which decreases immunity hence increasing chances of severe malnutrition and cancer. Research team found that a protein known as PT is very important for aflatoxin to form in fungi.

Tsai, graduate student Tyler Korman said, "The protein PT is the key to making the poison. With this knowledge, perhaps we could kill the PT with drugs, inhibiting the mold's ability to make aflatoxin."

Lead author Sheryl Tsai, UCI molecular biology & biochemistry, chemistry, and pharmaceutical sciences associate professor said, "It's shocking how profoundly these molds can affect public health."