White wine can destroy teeth enamel

White wine can destroy teeth enamelRecent study has revealed that drinking white wine regularly can harm teeth. White wine has erosive effect on teeth enamel. But red wine not only offers various health benefits but also it is gentler on teeth.

The Johannes Gutenberg University team compared the effect of eight red and white wines from Germany, France, Italy and Spain on teeth. Adult teeth were kept in wines of different acidity for up to 24 hours. There was a loss of calcium and phosphorus in the enamel surface up to depths of 60 micrometers.

Research team found that white wines have more damaging effect on teeth as compared to red wines. Red wines such rioja and merlot are less likely to destroy the protective layer of tooth enamel as compared to white wines such as chardonnay and pinot grigio.  

Even regularly brushing teeth after a night of drinking can’t nullify the erosive effect of white wine.

Brita Willershausen and her colleagues said, "The tradition of enjoying different cheeses for dessert, or in combination with drinking wine, might have a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion since cheeses contain calcium in a high concentration."