Drinking Tea May Slowdown Bone Loss - A Study Report

Woman_Drinking_TeaSydney: According to the Australian scientists drinking tea on a regular basis, known to have various health advantages, and it may be beneficial for the bones too.

Health experts in Perth has examined 275 elderly women aged between 70 to 85, and discovered that those who drank tea experienced superior bone density at their hips and less bone loss as compared to those (women) who didn’t drink tea.

It was a larger five-year analysis of calcium supplements and osteoporosis, a disease that makes the bones weak and raises the fractures risk.

The scientists headed by Amanda Devine of University of Western Australia, Perth, have evaluated the hip’s bone density at the start and end of the analysis and also kept a eye on the quantity of black and green tea the women consumed.

Even though the analysis did not locate the relation between the cups of tea ingested daily and bone mineral denseness, it established that the bone density at two hip was higher in tea drinkers than in non-tea drinkers.

Tea drinkers also experienced less loss of bone mass within a four-year period as compared to those who did not drink tea.

According to the study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that these outcomes considered factors including smoking history and use of calcium supplements.

The researchers said, “Other variables, such as dietary calcium and coffee intake, physical activity, and smoking did not appear to be important confounders of the relation between tea and bone density.”

In past time, people have been making use of tea in caring and preventing allergic reactions, polygenic disorders, bacterial and viral infections, cavities and to lessen inflammatory diseases.
