Ex-con is now Prince Charles's window-washer - Mirror

Prince CharlesLondon- A former convict is now washing windows at Prince Charles's new Llwyny Wormwood Estate in Wales after having been apparently hired without any screening, the Daily Mirror reported Wednesday.

Matthew Bell, 35, has previously served two jail terms, 9 months for burglary and 21 days for not paying a traffic fine.

Bell, who at the outset of 2008 had set up a cleaning company, had worked two days cleaning the windows of the new residence before Prince Charles and his wife Camilla arrived. Bell received 1,200 pounds (1,500 euros) for his work.

The Mirror said the royal household intends to hire Bell out every month.

"I'm a changed man and I've worked bloody hard for this," Bell said. "I did an absolutely beautiful job up there and nothing went missing.

"I don't go to houses thinking, 'I could get 100 pounds for that TV', because that's a part of my life that's gone," he added. "Prince Charles has talked of offenders being given a second chance. Now it's his chance to give me one."

A spokesman for Prince Charles said that Bell had been hired on the basis of a recommendation, and that he was "under supervision at all times." (dpa)
