Mandy Moore keen to shed ‘girl-next door’ image

 Mandy Moore keen to shed ‘girl-next door’ imageWashington, Apr 8 : Hollywood actress Mandy Moore is keen to shed her "girl next door" image, and is eager to land more decent and powerful roles.

Moore, whose last flick was `License To Wed', has not taken up any acting assignment because she wants to do meaningful roles, and has decided to consider only the roles she thinks are well-tailored.

Moore insists that she can deliver powerful performance if offered a worthy role, and that she is ready to toil to get her capability recognized.

"That won''t cut it anymore. I don''t want to be a wallflower. I don''t want to be shy. Give me the opportunity to get in the room and have a conversation as to why I know I can do this. It''s OK that you see me as this person, but I''m an actress, and I''ll work my a** off to play the part," Contactmusic quoted Moore as telling Marie Claire magazine.

"It has to be right. I''ve had the opportunity to play the drug dealer who gets gang-raped, and I''m like, for what reason? Doing it just to do it? To just show people that I can be sexy or dark? I don''t want to do something just to make that point. It needs to happen organically and I''m really confident it will. I''m a pretty patient person, and I''ll wait until we find the right stuff," she added. (ANI)
