Olympic Council of Asia to take legal action over bribery claims

Olympic Council of Asia to take legal action over bribery claimsKuwait - The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is to take legal action over claims by Asian Football Confederation (AFC) president Mohamed Bin Hamman that the organization was using its influence to remove him from his position on FIFA's executive committee.

FIFA's ethics commission is currently investigating the allegation revealed by panel member Les Murray that the OCA offered money to national associations in return for their support of Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Khalifa of Bahrain in his campaign against Bin Hamman.

"Clearly, the OCA cannot leave such accusations unanswered and is now preparing to undertake legal action," the organization said in a statement.

"The OCA has completely and absolutely denied the allegations leveled on it with regard to the rumors concerning the AFC elections."

Bin Hammam is alleged to have stated in an interview with Murray on the Australian SBS television station that Korean football functionaries had offered money to other national football associations to vote for his opponent.

The vote takes place on May 8 in Kuala Lumpur and FIFA president Joseph Blatter has called on both sides to act fairly. (dpa)
