Is Paris Hilton''s popularity plummeting?

Paris HiltonNew York, Nov 26 : Looks like Paris Hilton’s ‘popularity rates’ are plummeting, for the stunner was recently badly booed by audience at an event.

The heiress was heckled so badly at the Kress in Hollywood this weekend that she refused to take the stage.

Hilton was at a birthday party for designer Christian Audigier''s daughter, Crystal, and was supposed to introduce the Pussycat Dolls.

However, according to sources, when Audigier took the stage and yelled to the crowd, "Do you want to see Paris Hilton?"

"The entire room - which had just cheered when they thought Britney Spears was coming - booed loudly. Paris was practically in tears and left without taking the stage,” The New York Post quoted the source as saying.

Already, Hilton’s show, "Paris Hilton''s My New BFF," on MTV has low ratings. (ANI)
