Is Rand Paul really Libertarian Republican?

Rand Paul currently serves in the United States Senate as a member of the Republican Party. He is junior senator from Kentucky who became the second one from his party. Paul announced that he is going to 'defeat the Washington Machine'. It looks like the politician from Kentucky is trying to present himself as the libertarian Republican. He is trying to show that he is different from other candidates on his side. But the question is, Rand Paul really that different?

Paul has been trying to expand the party's appeal. Now, the United States Senate member has released an anti-Clinton television ad 'defeat the Washington Machine'. Paul has also questioned whether government has the right to snoop in a citizen's bedroom. During a campaign speech, he held up his phone and said that the phone records of law-abiding citizens are none of their business. His speech was lapped by the media.

A lot of people enjoyed Paul's words, while his critics said that statement about opposing the intelligence agencies spying on American citizens given by the United States Senate member was passionate, but it could collide with reality. Paul has cast a 'No' vote against a National Security Agency reform package that was making its way through the Senate. According to him, the reform package did not have the ability to go far. Although, his move was impressive, still it should be remembered that in politics, politicians take some surprising decisions as a compromise or to get some votes.

In past, many of Paul's strong stands weakened. Co-anchor of The Today Show Savannah Guthrie challenged the Senate member. She said, "You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, now you support it, at least for the time being, and you once offered to drastically cut ... defense spending".