European Union

Sarkozy not willing to compromise on EU climate package

Sarkozy not willing to compromise on EU climate package Paris - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday that he would not accept any watering down of his ambitious climate package at this week's EU summit, the head of the centre-left faction in the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

During a meeting with a group of EU parliamentarians in Paris, the serving EU president said that negotiations over the package would not result in "a compromise at any cost."

Czech Republic delays Lisbon Treaty vote until February 3

Czech Republic delays Lisbon Treaty vote until February 3 Prague  - The Czech parliament's lower house Tuesday adjourned a session on the European Union's reform treaty until February 3 in a bid to postpone the vote on the pact.

The 200-seat house adjourned the session in a 159-8 vote, requested by the party of Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek.

Topolanek's centre-right Civic Democrats want to barter their support for the Lisbon Treaty in exchange for opposition votes for a US plan to place a missile defence installation on Czech soil.

EU to spend 55 million euros to make web safer for children

EU to spend 55 million euros to make web safer for children Brussels  - The European Union is to spend 55 million euros (70 million dollars) over the next five years to make the internet safer for children, officials in Brussels said Tuesday.

Three quarters of children aged under 17 in the EU have access to the internet, and half of all 10-year-olds have a mobile phone, making it vital to protect them against online bullying and harassment.

EU launches anti-piracy mission, but legal questions remain

Brussels  - The European Union's naval mission to Somalia was formally launched Tuesday, despite unresolved legal questions about how detained pirates might be brought to justice.

Codenamed "Atalanta," the year-long maritime mission is the first of its kind by the EU, relying on up to six warships and two or three maritime patrol aircraft at any one time.

The mission will be carried out by frigates and heavyweight destroyers, with helicopter support and satellite surveillance of the Gulf of Aden.

EU states, parliament reach informal deal on renewable energy

EU states, parliament reach informal deal on renewable energy Brussels - European Union states and members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on Tuesday reached an informal deal on a law boosting the amount of renewable energy, such as wave and solar power, which the bloc uses in 2020.

They also reached agreement on a law aimed at increasing the amount of plant-based bio-fuels the EU uses to 10 per cent of total consumption, officials said.

EU's law enforcing mission starts deploying in Kosovo

Pristina  - The European Union's mission in Kosovo began deploying personnel Tuesday with the ultimate aim of helping the territory enforce the rule of law.

The mission, the Eulex, said it would comprise 1,900 foreign officials when fully deployed throughout Kosovo, building from the 1,400 there at the launch.

Some 1,100 local staff would also join the Eulex to help Kosovo establish the elusive rule of law by coaching, advising and in some cases ordering local authorities.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in February, but remains plagued by ethnic hatred, segregation, crime and corruption, thriving amid widespread poverty and a staggering rate of unemployment.
