
Putin 'to wed Olympic gymnast half his age'?

London, Apr.

Abbas in Moscow for talks with Russian leaders

Mohammad AbbasMoscow  - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Moscow on Wednesday for a

Russia's Putin is divorced and plans to marry ex-gymnast

Vladimir PutinMoscow  - A Russian tabloid broke taboo by reporting Russia's president Vladimi

Putin to travel to Libya

Moscow  -  Russian President Vladimir Putin will fly to Tripoli for talks with Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi on April 16-17, the Kremlin said on Monday.

Russian space shuttle inches towards new German home

Speyer, Germany - A veteran Buran space shuttle from Russia inched its way on a low-loader truck to a private museum in Germany Saturday after gliding up the Rhine river this week on a barge.

Russian lawmakers go on a legislative witchhunt against witches

Russian FlagMoscow  - Russia's cabinet has drafted law to protect people falling under the char
