World News

Non-Muslim Brit school boys detained for not praying to Allah

prayer to allahLondon, July 5 : Two twelve-year-old non-Muslim school boys were placed under de

Merkel demands G8 commitments to cut carbon emissions

Berlin - Speaking just before the G8 summit, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for the eight leading industrialized nations to lead by example with cuts in carbon emissions. 

Palestinian, Israeli negotiators to meet in Washington

Ramallah - Palestinian and Israeli peace negotiators will meet in Washington in ten days with US administration representatives attending the meeting, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday.

Spokesman Nabil Abu Rdineh said the meeting was intended to give a stronger push to the peace talks between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel.

There's not much time to reach an agreement before the end of the year, Abu Rdineh said.

The parties hope to reach a deal paving the way for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel before US President George W Bush leaves the White House in January.

Israeli army arrests seven Palestinians in West Bank

Ramallah - Israeli forces arrested seven Palestinians in the West Bank early on Saturday, Israeli and Palestinian security sources said.

Large demonstration in northern Japan before G8 summit

Toyako, Japan - Several thousand protesters demonstrated in northern Japan Saturday against the upcoming Group of Eight (G8) summit.

No changes in Iranian nuclear position, says spokesman

Tehran - There have been no changes in Iran's position regarding its nuclear programme, an Iranian government spokesman said Saturday.
