Sun TV Beaming With Profit

Sun TV Beaming With ProfitIt has been revealed, according to recent developments that the first-quarter earnings of Sun TV have moved up by as much as 9.75%. The number is now at Rs. 187.62 crore. The net profits posted by the firm were Rs. 170.95 crore, at around the same time last year.

This is a pleasant response for the channel and it has never been so popular in a while. This has brought positivity to the firm and its staff members. It was revealed that a sum total of Rs. 355.77 crore has been used for the purpose of settling the subsidiaries and a sum of as much as Rs. 110.12 crore has been utilized for the purpose of novel technology as well as equipment for the firm. This has boosted the input of the firm and has resulted in good gains for them.

The board of the firm is of the announcement that they shall distribute an interim dividend of as much as Rs. 2.50 per equity share for a sum of Rs. 5 each for the financial year, which is underway.

The channel had been seeing falling TRPs as well as low profits in the recent past and this new development has come very positively for them.