US F-22 Raptor is new top gun

US F-22 Raptor is new top gunLondon, July 21 : US F-22 Raptor, the world’s most technically advanced fighter jet, is one of the most fearsome killing machines ever.

The crowd were in awe as it made its first European appearance at the Farnborough air show, twisting and turning with balletic grace. It carries a 20mm cannon, six Aim-120 air-to-air missiles and two Aim-9 heat-seeking missiles, making it the most lethal fighter plane.

Us Air Force pilot Major Paul Moga, who flew the plane, said: “It''s a privilege. I feel honoured and blessed.”

The Raptor even lives up to its name, sounding like a howling animal.

Made from titanium and top secret composite materials, its engines have nozzles that can swivel round and its missiles are carried internally, making it the most agile fast jet ever.

In fact, the F-22, made by Lockheed and Boeing, is so advanced that the firms are banned from selling it to other nations.

Major David Krumm, who has also piloted the Raptor, added: “It flies better than anything I have ever flown.”

The US Air Force has taken delivery of 119 F-22s, with a further 60 on order, The Mirror reported.

F-22 travels twice as fat as sound and has a range of 2,000 miles. Sneaky smooth lines of raptor help it to evade radar. Its antennae, tanks and missiles are fitted internally. Its cost’s 71million pound. (ANI)

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